Chapter 11

1 Also, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood by him to support and strengthen him.
2 I will now show you the truth. Look, three more kings will rise in Persia; and the fourth will be much richer than the others. With his wealth, he will cause everyone to fight against Greece.
3 A powerful king will rise, who will rule with a large territory and do as he pleases.
4 When he rises to power, his kingdom will break apart and spread to the four directions of the sky; it won’t go to his descendants or remain as it was under his rule: for his kingdom will be uprooted and given to others, not his own family.
5 The southern king will be powerful, as will one of his leaders; he will become stronger than the king and rule over a vast area.
6 After some years, they will unite; the southern king’s daughter will go to the northern king to form a pact. However, she won’t keep her strength, nor will he or his strength last. She, along with her escorts, her father, and her supporter during those times, will be handed over.
7 From her family’s roots, one will rise to take power, bring an army, attack the northern king’s stronghold, fight them, and win.
8 He will also take their gods, leaders, and valuable silver and gold items as captives to Egypt; he will last longer than the king of the north.
9 The king of the south will come into his kingdom and then go back to his own country.
10 His sons will rise up and gather a large army. One will come for sure, sweep through and move on. Then he will go back, roused to attack his stronghold.
11 The southern king will become very angry and will go out to fight the northern king. He will gather a large army, but his army will be defeated.
12 When he removes many people, he will become proud; he will defeat thousands, but this will not make him stronger.
13 The king from the north will come back, with a huge crowd bigger than before, and after some years, he will definitely come with a large army and lots of wealth.
14 During that time, many will oppose the southern king, and your people’s rebels will rise to fulfill the prophecy, but they will fail.
15 The northern king will come, build a siege ramp, and capture the strongest cities. The southern forces won’t be able to resist, not even the best troops, nor will they have the power to stand against him.
16 Whoever attacks him will do as he pleases, and no one can stop him. He will stay in the beautiful country, which he will destroy.
17 He will determine to come with the full force of his kingdom, bringing with him those who are righteous; this is what he will do: and he will offer him a woman, intending to ruin her: but she will not support him or be on his side.
18 After this, he will look toward the islands and conquer many: but a ruler will end the insults made by him, making the insults fall back on him without his own dishonor.
19 He will look toward his country’s strongholds, but he will trip, fall, and disappear.
20 A tax collector will rise to power in the kingdom, but he will be destroyed soon after, not in anger or in war.
21 A despicable person will rise to power where he was not given royal honors; yet he will gain control peacefully, using smooth talk.
22 A flood will sweep away everything before him; it will destroy everything, even the leader of the covenant.
23 After making an agreement, he will act dishonestly: he will rise to power with the help of a few people.
24 He will calmly enter the richest parts of the land; he will do things his ancestors never did, nor his ancestors before them; he will share the loot, goods, and wealth among them. Yes, he will plan his strategies against the strongholds, for a while.
25 He will gather his strength and bravery to fight the southern king with a large army; but the southern king, with an even bigger and stronger army, will prepare for battle. Yet, he will fail because they will plan tricks against him.
26 Yes, those who eat his food will destroy him, and his army will be swept away: many will fall down dead.
27 Both kings will plan evil and lie while eating together, but they will fail because the end will come at the set time.
28 Then he will go back to his country with lots of wealth; but he will be against the sacred promise; he will do great things, and return to his country.
29 At the set time, he will come back and move toward the south; but it won’t be like before or after.
30 Ships from Chittim will attack him; he will be upset, go back, and become angry at the sacred promise. He will act on this; he will go back and work with those who abandon the sacred promise.
31 Forces will support him, they will corrupt the strong sanctuary, stop the regular offering, and set up the dreadful abomination.
32 Those who do evil against the agreement will be corrupted by smooth talk, but the people who know their God will be strong and take action.
33 People with knowledge will teach many, but they will face violence, fire, capture, and loss for a long time.
34 When they fall, they will get a little help, but many will join them with smooth talk.
35 Some wise people will stumble to test, cleanse, and refine them until the end time, because it’s set for a specific time.
36 The king will do as he wants; he will raise himself up and make himself greater than any god, and will say amazing things against the God of all gods, and will succeed until the anger is finished: because what is decided will happen.
37 He will not respect his ancestors’ God, the love of women, or any god, because he will consider himself greater than all.
38 He will honor the god of forces instead of his own god. He will honor a god his ancestors did not know with gold, silver, precious stones, and gifts.
39 He will act this way in the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, whom he will recognize and honor with glory: he will make them rulers over many and will distribute the land for profit.
40 At the end time, the southern king will attack him, and the northern king will come like a storm, with chariots, horsemen, and many ships. He will invade nations, sweeping through and conquering them.
41 He will also go into the beautiful land, and many nations will be defeated: but Edom, Moab, and the leader of the Ammonites will escape from his power.
42 He will also reach out his hand over the nations, and Egypt will not escape.
43 He will control Egypt’s gold and silver treasures and all its valuable items; Libyans and Ethiopians will follow him.
44 News from the east and north will upset him; so he will attack angrily to destroy and kill many.
45 He will set up his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain; but he will meet his end, and no one will help him.